Top 5 Mobile App Development Tools For 2020
Top 5 Mobile App Development Tools For 2020

Mobile device usage and has increased tremendously over the past decade so does the use of mobile applications. Mobile technologies has evolved at a startling rate. There are a number of mobile application development tools and frameworks. We have picked 5 of these that every developer should watch out for in 2020.

  1. Appcelerator Titanium: Appcelerator Titanium is an open source cross platform mobile application development framework that allows creation of native mobile apps from a single JavaScript codebase. In this platform, one can easily develop native as well as hybrid mobile applications using JavaScript and Titanium API.
  2. Corona SDK: Corona SDK is a mobile app development platform .It allows software programmers in mobile app development companies in UAE to build 2D mobile applications for multiple devices, including Apple iPhones, Amazon Fire, Mac Desktop, Windows Desktop etc. The developer need to create a project only once and deploy it to multiple devices.
  3. Flutter: Flutter is an open source UI software development tool kit developed by Google. It can be used to develop natively compiled applications for mobile, web and desktop. The apps can be used to develop applications for platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia.  Flutter is also compatible to any other development tool and it also includes editor plug in for Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ/ Android Studio.
  4. Ionic: Ionic is an HTML5 cross-platform mobile app development tool kit. It can be used to develop applications for native iOS, Android as well as the web from a single code-base. The platform uses modern web development technologies like CSS, HTML5 and Sass. It also provides tools and services for developing hybrid mobile, desktop, and progressive web apps.
  5. Mobile Angular UI: Mobile Angular UI is a mobile UI framework to develop HTML5 mobile apps. It provides essential mobile components such as switches, overlays, sidebars, scrollable areas etc. Libraries like fastclick.js and overthrow.js are used to achieve a good quality to achieve a better mobile experience.